外国人による日本語スピーチ大会 出場者募集!Speakers Wanted! Japanese Speech Showcase by Foreign Natives(2024/3/9)
・スピーチ大会日時:2024年3月9日(土) 14:00-15:30
Choose a topic of your own. The audience may find “a new point of view” from your speech. Please speak directly what is on your mind. MIA volunteers will assist you in preparing the speech, so don’t worry about your level of Japanese and challenge yourself!
・Date:March 9(Sat) 14:00-15:30
・Place:SWING 2F Hall
・Eligibility: 16 years old or up,whose mother language is not Japanese
・Capacity: 12 persons
・Fee: Free
・Sign up by Jan 20 (sat)!)
*Just turn up and hear the speeches on the day! Admission free.Capacity:First 160 people. Your support is welcomed!
〒180-0022东京都武藏野市境2-14-1 SWING大厦9F
电话 0422-36-4511 传真 0422-36-4513
E-mail: mia@coral.ocn.ne.jp
开放日:周二~周六 9:00~17:00(周日、周一、节假日休息)