For Foreign Nationals

Japanese Courses

MIA offers Japanese Courses for foreign residents who want to study Japanese conversation and interact with local Japanese people. Have a good time with MIA volunteer members and other participants from many different countries. If you want to attend the Japanese course, drop by MIA to sign up.

Japanese Courses for foreign residents Let’s enroll in this course!

MIA offers three different weekly group activities. While you are enrolled in a selected activity, you can add an optional free one-on-one activity with a private tutor. If you have small children, courses with childcare services are available. MIA nursing volunteers take care of your children while you are in class.

  • Fee:\6,000(10 times)(Should you decide to join mid-course, please consult MIA)
  • Venue: Musashino International Association(MIA)Conference room
Course Title Date/Time Schedule Capacity
Thursday Japanese Course with childcare 10:30-12:00 Oct  3- Dec 5
(Childcare available for 4 persons with childcare registration fee \600. Please sign up in advance.)
※People without children can also attend the course.
20 people
Friday Japanese Course with childcare 10:30-12:00 Oct 4 – Dec 6
(Childcare available for 4 persons with childcare registration fee \600. Please sign up in advance.)
※People without children can also attend the course.
20 people
Saturday Japanese Course 10:30-12:00 Oct 5 – Dec 14 20 people

Japanese language beginners can take free one-on-one activities with the course above if they meet the requirement.
(Please see below and check the details at MIA.)

How to sign up for MIA Japanese Courses
  • Those who want to enroll in the course, please come to MIA by April 19th to fill out the application form and make necessary payments.
  • Childcare service is available for the Thursday & Friday Course with prior registration and a fee of \600.
Leaflets of Japanese Courses for foreign residents
  • 日本語
  • English
  • ハングル
  • 中文
  • Espanol
  • Filipino
  • Nepali
  • Multilingual
Musashino International Association (MIA)
SWING 9F, Sakai 2-14-1,Musashino-shi , Tokyo 180-0022
TEL 0422-36-4511 FAX 0422-36-4513
Open: TUE - SAT 9:00-17:00(Closed on SUN,MON and Public Holidays)