For Foreign Nationals
年末(ねんまつ)年始(ねんし)の お休(やす)み Year-end and New Year Holidays 年末年初闭馆
東京都多文化共生ポータルサイト・多言語防災情報 Tokyo Intercultural portal site Multilanguage disaster prevention information
The childcare support information magazine “Sukusuku MIA special edition” posted on MIA website “Childcare support” page.
2024/11/22 外国人のための地震体験学習(場所:立川防災館)Earthquake simulation experience for foreign nationals at Tachikawa bousaikan
2024/7/14 日本語を母語としない親子のための多言語高校進学ガイダンス(説明と個別教育相談) Guidance on High School Entrance for Students & Guardians of Non-Japanese Speakers(General guidance & Individual consultation)
Support Information
MIA conducts a range of activities to support residing foreign nationals.
If you have any questions,please contact us.
Musashino International Association (MIA)SWING 9F, Sakai 2-14-1,Musashino-shi , Tokyo 180-0022
TEL 0422-36-4511 FAX 0422-36-4513
Open: TUE - SAT 9:00-17:00(Closed on SUN,MON and Public Holidays)