Disaster prevention
MIA’s aim is to build a community in which foreign nationals can reside in safety and peace of mind, regardless of language or cultural differences. One effort in this is enhancing the acknowledgement of disaster mitigation among foreign residents. The following gives details on how to be prepared in the event of natural disasters, such as a major earthquake.
東京都多文化共生ポータルサイト・多言語防災情報 Tokyo Intercultural portal site Multilanguage disaster prevention information
2024/11/22 外国人のための地震体験学習(場所:立川防災館)Earthquake simulation experience for foreign nationals at Tachikawa bousaikan
NHK WEB EASY やさしい日本語(にほんご)ニュース 防災情報 ぼうさいじょうほう(大雨・おおあめ、台風・たいふう、地震・じしん)
10 TIPS FOR EARTHQUAKE SAFETY(Japanese/English)(issued by the website of Tokyo Fire Department)
【Notice】Be careful of strong winds and heavy rainfall on 12th (Sat)
Musashino City Disaster Prevention Information
Musashino City Disaster Prevention and Public Safety Center WEB
Musashino City Disaster Prevention Information Map
Musashino City Disaster Prevention flooding Hazard Map

Disaster Prevention Guide for Foreign Residentse
Multilingual manual for disaster prevention “When a major earthquake strikes !!”

You can find out the multilingual manual for earthquake. Edited by MIA Disaster Prevention Volunteer Group for Foreign Residents
- The nearby elementary or junior high schools in your neighborhood serve as your emergency shelters.
- When you feel a big tremor, get yourself under a table before evacuating your house.
- Turn off all gas stoves when you evacuate.
- REMEMBER to bring Residence Card (Zairyu Card),Passport, Contact address of your Embassy, relatives, friends or any other emergency contacts, some cash, bank passbook and driver’s license may also come in handy
We’ll Prepare for Major Earthquake Emergency Handbook 2013 (Musashino City)

This handbook introduces what points should be careful and what should we do in case of earthquake.(Published by Musashino city)
We’ll Prepare for Major Earthquake Emergency Handbook 2013(PDF:1.68MB)
- Earthquake Evacuation Procedure
- Flow Chart-On Occasion of a strong Earthquake
- Prepare your Home for Emergencies
- Safety Management in Apartment Building
- Be ready to evacuate Safely
- Emergency Preparedness Checklist
- Procedure for Resetting Maikon Meters
- How to Get Proper Emergency Information
- Japanese
- English
Useful Information on Disaster Prevention for Foreign Residents
Tokyo Intercultural Portal Site : Information to Help When Disaster Prevention and Disaster : The disaster-awareness video
When an Earthquake Strikes – Cautions & Preparations
Japanese https://tabunka.tokyo-tsunagari.or.jp/information/howto_learn.html
English https://tabunka.tokyo-tsunagari.or.jp/english/information/howto_learn.html
Chinese https://tabunka.tokyo-tsunagari.or.jp/chinese/information/howto.html
When an earthquake happens – Wait until it's safe! Prepare emergency provisions!
Japanese https://tabunka.tokyo-tsunagari.or.jp/information/howto_learn.html
English https://tabunka.tokyo-tsunagari.or.jp/english/information/howto_learn.html
Chinese https://tabunka.tokyo-tsunagari.or.jp/chinese/information/howto.html
Tokyo Intercultural Portal Site:Information to Help When Disaster Prevention and Disaster:Understanding natural disasters
Japanese https://tabunka.tokyo-tsunagari.or.jp/information/howto.html
English https://tabunka.tokyo-tsunagari.or.jp/english/information/howto.html
Japan Meteorological Agency:
Latest Weather Information Including Earthquakes and Typhoons
Japanese http://www.jma.go.jp/jma/index.html
Japan Meteorological Agency:
“Kinkyu Jishin Sokuho,” (Earthquake Early Warning) in Multiple Languages
Expressions related to Earthquake Early Warning are listed in multiple languages on Japan Meteorological Agency Website.
MIA Disaster Prevention Volunteer Group for Foreign Residents
Foreign residents living in an environment of a different culture/language to their own are often among the most vulnerable in the case of disasters. At MIA, the Disaster Prevention Volunteer Group for Foreign Residents (Bosai volunteers) is undertaking educational activities are being undertaken, such as participating in Musashino City’s disaster drills, preparing multi-language handbooks, planning disaster prevention events in the community, etc.
**New members are always welcome. If you are interested in Disaster Prevention Volunteer Group activities, also refer to “Information of MIA Member Activities ” page and inquire.
MIA Disaster Prevention Volunteer Group for Foreign Residents: Annual Calendar
May | Musashino City Flood prevention drill |
June | Disaster Prevention Meeting |
August | Harappa “Bosai“(Disaster Prevention) Festa Musashino |
September | Disaster Prevention Meeting |
October |
Disaster Prevention Training Disaster Prevention Meeting |
November |
Musashino International Exchange Festival: Disaster Prevention Corner |
January | Musashino City Disaster Prevention Volunteer Training |
March | Disaster Prevention Meeting |
SWING 9F, Sakai 2-14-1,Musashino-shi , Tokyo 180-0022
TEL 0422-36-4511 FAX 0422-36-4513
E-mail: mia@coral.ocn.ne.jp
Open: TUE - SAT 9:00-17:00(Closed on SUN,MON and Public Holidays)