
10 TIPS FOR EARTHQUAKE SAFETY(Japanese/English)(issued by the website of Tokyo Fire Department)

At Disaster prevention page in the website of Tokyo Fire Department, there are useful safety information for foreign residents when the earthquake occurs. You can download this information from the website.



■10 TIPS FOR EARTHQUAKE SAFETY■(Source:Tokyo Fire Department Website)

≪When You Feel A Quake Or Hear The Emergency Earthquake Warning…≫
〇QUAKE! Protect Your First.
・Be prepared and protect yourself from an earthquake when you hear an earthquake warning announcement or feel a quake.

・Stay under a large table until a quake is gone. Keep yourself safe from falling or moving objects during a quake.

≪Right After An Earthquake≫
〇Keep Calm. Check All Fire Sources. Put Out Fire Quickly.
・If you were using any sources of fire or heat, turn them off when the shaking calms down.
・If a fire starts, put it out quickly and calmly .

〇Keep Calm. Panic May Cause You Injuries.
・Be careful of fallen objects or shattered glass in the home.
・Stay inside. Roof tiles, broken window glass or signboards may fall down and hit you.

〇Make Sure You Have Ways Out: Open Doors And Windows.
・Secure an exit for escape when the shaking stops.

〇Keep Away From Gateposts And Walls.
・If you feel an earthquake outside, stay away from concrete walls and other objects which may fall over.

≪After An Earthquake≫
〇Stay Away From Fires And Tsunami.
・Take refuge in a temporary assembly spot or an evacuation area when a fire may threaten your life in the community.
・Leave the coast as soon as possible for a higher, safer place when you are hit by a big quake or hear a tsunami warning at the seaside.

〇Get The Right Information.
・Get accurate information from radio, television, fire stations, local authorities, etc.

〇Make Sure Your Family And Neighbors Are Safe.
・After you confirm your family’s safety, check if your neighbors are all right.

〇Work Together On Rescue And First Aid.
・Work with your neighbors to free victims from under debris or fallen furniture and to give first aid.

〇Make Sure Electricity And Gas Are Off Before Evacuation.
・Turn off circuit breakers and the gas at the main before you evacuate.

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