About Musashino International Association (MIA)

About MIA

Musashino International Association (MIA), established in October 1989 (Heisei 1), aims to make our community more open, where people with different cultural backgrounds live together, where Japanese and non-Japanese residents alike work together under the ideal of World Peace. Responding flexibly to social changes, MIA has introduced a variety of programs and activities. Through the promotion of intercultural exchange in the community, MIA is determined to realize “Tabunka Kyosei shakai” (multicultural society), where people of different cultures and backgrounds respect each other and coexist. To this end, MIA organizes numerous projects with the support and understanding of many people in the community.

Name of Organization Musashino International Association
(Public Interest Incorporated Foundation)
President Yukari Oosugi
Address SWING Bidg.,9F, 2-14-1 Sakai, Musashino, Tokyo
Founded October 13, 1989 (Heisei 1)
Incorporated April 1, 2009 (Heisei 21)
Public Interest Incorporated Foundation April 1, 2010 (Heisei 22)
Purpose To promote an open society contributing to global peace
Parent Organization Musashino City
Main Activities Grassroots level promotion of international exchange and cooperation/support for foreign residents daily life, etc.
Phone 0422-36-4511
FAX 0422-36-4513
Email Address mia@coral.ocn.ne.jp
Number of MIA Supporting Members 383 people (As of Mar 1, 2021)
Number of MIA Foreign Members 650 people (68 countries/regions)

Outline of MIA Projects:

Through grassroots level intercultural exchange and cooperation, and by encouraging support for foreign residents, MIA aims to build an open minded society that contributes to world peace, based on cross-cultural mutual understanding and “Tabunka Kyosei shakai”(multicultural society). There are 3 pillars for MIA projects: Support for Foreign Residents to live comfortably in the Community, Communications Support, and Developing a Multicultural Society.

1.Support for Foreign Residents to live comfortably in the Community

By connecting people through its Japanese course or the “Ryugakusei” Home Visit Program for foreign students, MIA helps to enhance one-on-one relationships between foreign residents of various cultural backgrounds and the Japanese general public. In doing so, MIA connects foreign residents to the community. Furthermore, MIA also holds sessions for them to consult various topics in their mother tongue, to prevent them from feeling isolated within the community.

  • Support for participants in Japanese courses
  • Consultation in multiple-languages
  • Promotion of foreign students’ community involvement

2.Communications Support

MIA offers information service in multiple languages so that foreign residents can lead a life smoothly in the community. At the same time, emphasis is placed on providing information on/during emergencies and disaster prevention drills, so that they can be prepared for contingencies.

  • Multi-language Information Service for Daily Life
  • Interpreter Dispatch and Translation Services

3.Developing a Multicultural Society

MIA organizes various activities to promote “Tabunka Kyosei shakai,”(multicultural society), where both Japanese and foreign people live comfortably together. Many Japanese and foreign residents participate in such programs to make the community better, eradicating prejudice and bias.

  • Promotion of cross-cultural understanding in the community
  • Support of volunteer activities for intercultural exchange and cooperation
  • Cooperation with community organizations for intercultural exchange and cooperation
  • Research study and publication of interncultural exchange and cooperation
Musashino International Association (MIA)
SWING 9F, Sakai 2-14-1,Musashino-shi , Tokyo 180-0022
TEL 0422-36-4511 FAX 0422-36-4513
E-mail: mia@coral.ocn.ne.jp
Open: TUE - SAT 9:00-17:00(Closed on SUN,MON and Public Holidays)