
News letter for foreign residents “MIA Calendar”

The newsletter“MIA Calendar”is published in Japanese, English, Chinese and Spanish to inform its non-Japanese members about MIA events, Japanese language courses, professional consultation sessions and public events in Musashino city. Each issue is posted/mailed to foreign members and is also available on the MIA website. To become a member, register at the MIA office. MIA calendar is also distributed at the MIA office and other public facilities in Musashino city.

News letter samples

Contents of MIA Calendar(2024 July)

  • Consultation for Foreign Citizens on Legal & Psychological Matters / Guidance on High School Entrance

  • MIA Event Calendar

  • Japanese course・Study Support Course ・Consultation

  • Information from MIA, Musashino City & Other Organizations

  • Foreign Language Information

Contents of MIA Calendar
(2024 April)
  • 日本語
  • English
  • Espanol
  • 中文
Musashino International Association (MIA)
SWING 9F, Sakai 2-14-1,Musashino-shi , Tokyo 180-0022
TEL 0422-56-2922 FAX 0422-36-4513
E-mail: mia@coral.ocn.ne.jp
Open: TUE - SAT 9:00-17:00(Closed on SUN,MON and Public Holidays)