Public Relations Magazines・Leaflets
Musashino FRIENDs (MIA journal)
Publication – 4 times a year (April, July, October, January), 2,500 copies printed Distribution – To MIA supporting members, related organizations, and public facilities within the city including libraries. (Japanese)
The journal runs articles introducing MIA events and latest information related to MIA. Feature story covers on-site reports of MIA daily activities and current social situations surrounding foreign people, as well as firsthand opinions directly from people engaged in international exchange or cooperation. Copies are sent by post to MIA Supporting Members, as well as distributed at public facilities within the city. Please have a look.Musashino FRIENDs VOL.36-NO.2 (Published July 1, 2024)
- MIA Report :
- Volunteer Activity Information Corner (Information on volunteer activities you can start now and programs for MIA Supporting Members)
- Events and Courses: Participants Wanted
*If needed, back issues are available at MIA Office as far as they are in inventory.
MIA Calendar (Newsletter for foreign residents)
Publication – 4 times a year (April, July, October, March), 2,600 copies printed Distribution – To MIA Foreign Members, related organizations, and public facilities within the city including libraries (Japanese, English, Chinese, Spanish)

MIA Volunteer News
Publication – 4 times a year (April, July, October, January), 1200 copies printed Distribution – To MIA Supporting Members and public facilities within the city including libraries (Japanese)

MIA Program Leaflets
Summary of MIA projects (Japanese) Distribution – Available at MIA Office MIA事業紹介リーフレット(PDF:619KB)Let’s be actively involved in MIA! Let’s make good use of MIA!
Useful information for foreign residents, program and volunteer activities at MIA.(Japanese・English・Chinese・Korean・Vietnamese・Nepali)
SWING 9F, Sakai 2-14-1,Musashino-shi , Tokyo 180-0022
TEL 0422-36-4511 FAX 0422-36-4513
Open: TUE - SAT 9:00-17:00(Closed on SUN,MON and Public Holidays)