News List
年末年始のMIA開館日のお知らせ/MIA office opening date of the New Year’s season/MIA事务所年末年初的通知
【For Foreign residents in Musashino city】Musashino city will issue vaccine passport.(Renewal date:December 21th,2022)
News letter for foreign residents “MIA Calendar(2023 January-March)”
News letter for foreign residents “MIA Calendar(2022 October-December)”
2022/10-12 Attendees Wanted! MIA Japanese courses for foreign natives
【For Foreign residents in Musashino city】Musashino city will issue vaccine passport.(Renewal date:July 5th)
News letter for foreign residents “MIA Calendar(2022July-september)”
5/21・6/4「がいこくじん ボランティア せつめいかい」 を します Foreign-Native Volunteer Orientatio 举办外国人志愿者说明
Consultation Service for Evacuees from Ukraine(The Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation “TSUNAGARI”/Tokyo intercultural portal site)
Musashino International Association (MIA)SWING 9F, Sakai 2-14-1,Musashino-shi , Tokyo 180-0022
TEL 0422-36-4511 FAX 0422-36-4513
Open: TUE - SAT 9:00-17:00(Closed on SUN,MON and Public Holidays)