
MIA volunteer members joined the Disaster prevention training in Musashino city(2018/01/20)

MIA volunteer member and foreign member joined the Disaster prevention training in Musashino city on Jan 20. The purpose of this training is to confirm what kind of action should be taken at the Disaster volunteer center where plays key role to accept volunteers from in and outside Musashino city and coordinate volunteers’ activities. MIA team hold on training assuming to cooperate with other center staffs and meet needs from foreign natives.

Musashino International Association (MIA)
SWING 9F, Sakai 2-14-1,Musashino-shi , Tokyo 180-0022
TEL 0422-36-4511 FAX 0422-36-4513
Open: TUE - SAT 9:00-17:00(Closed on SUN,MON and Public Holidays)