2017/8/19 MIA Lecture for Citizens: Talk on International Understanding“Immigrants and American Society”- Focusing on Japanese Americans –

Detailed information
Date & Time | Aug 19 (Sat) 10:00 -11:30 |
Place | Citizens Space, Musahino-Shiritsu Kataraino-Michi |
Speaker | Mr. Hirohisa Kawaguchi (MIA President, Professor Emeritus at Asia University) |
Topic | “Immigrants and American Society”- Focusing on Japanese Americans - |
Fee | Free of charge |
Capacity | 20 people |
Application | Apply by phone or website application form two days before |
Musashino International Association (MIA)SWING 9F, Sakai 2-14-1,Musashino-shi , Tokyo 180-0022
TEL 0422-36-4511 FAX 0422-36-4513
E-mail: mia@coral.ocn.ne.jp
Open: TUE - SAT 9:00-17:00(Closed on SUN,MON and Public Holidays)